Thursday, October 01, 2009

Michael Bay Announces Transformers 3 Release Date!

Well its official: We have a great Transformers 3 story. The release date is now July 1st 2011. Not 2012.

Today is Day One. This morning started with an ILM meeting for five hours in San Francisco. Currently I'm flying with writer Ehren Kruger to Rhode Island to talk to Hasbro about new characters.

P.S. Megan Fox, welcome back. I promise no alien robots will harm you in any way during the production of this motion picture. Please consult your Physician when working under my direction because some side effects can occur, such as mild dizziness, intense nausea, suicidal tendencies, depression, minor chest hair growth, random internal hemorrhaging and inability to sleep. As some directors may be hazardous to your health, please consult your Doctor to determine if this is right for you.

I really don't have much to say about this other than I wont be seeing it. Transformers 2 was a HUGE disappointment and that was mainly due to director Michael Bay's experience in not knowing how to make a proper movie instead of a 2 hour commercial. I am not going to be fooled by him again and no matter how cool the trailers may be, I ain't going to see it in theaters. Maybe if I'm really drunk one day, Ill consider giving it a rental. I'm amazed on how many people on his website are actually looking forward to this. It makes me wonder what kind of drugs they are taking.


World said...

oh that's good its my favorite movie.nice blog.

World said...

Similar interests, mutual respect and strong attachment with each other are what friends share between each other. These are just the general traits of a friendship.
To experience what is friendship, one must have true friends, who are indeed rare treasure.

I have added you to my blogroll, hope you can do the same thing for me so that we can have constant communication.

constant gina said...

Already damn....thats positive news, the last one was extremely successful so this is expected...

E.F. said...

Well, the second one was disappointing because the story was crap and acting was awful. The plus was more robots, more destructions, but then again, do special effects are all there is to make up a great movie?

Castor said...

I don't understand the criticism. You mean there is more to story-telling than the main character running around with his girlfriend while stuff blows up in the background? Blasphemy!

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