Producers Frank Marshall and Kathleen Kennedy just revealed at today's junket for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button that plans have fallen through for a fourth entry in the "Jurassic Park" franchise.
When asked if there was any development on the long-anticipated sequel, Kennedy responded, "No... I don't know. You know, when Crichton passed away, I sorta felt maybe that's it. Maybe that's a sign that we don't mess with it."
Since Joe Johnston's Jurassic Park III in 2001, Universal has been developing a fourth outing in the successful franchise. The studio commissioned William Monahan and John Sayles to pen a script in '04.
This franchise is one of the all-time best. The reason I am so obsessed with film is because of watching the first Jurassic Park. Even The Lost World was a step down and Jurassic Park III was a definite step down, but I was hoping that the 4th would put this franchise back on its tracks.
I also thought so too. I love the Jurassic Park films and the first film was one of my first VHS films on that format. I really thought a 4th film would cahnge people's minds about Jurassic Park III.
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